Mobile Security Courses


Mobile Security Courses

These days, we all seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on our mobile smartphones and tablets, whether communicating with loved ones or working out in the field, these devices have fast become an indispensable facet of modern life. As mobile device usage has exploded, so too sadly have the number of exploits by criminal hackers and rogue nations to penetrate their data! The increase in smartphone use, and the associated hacking of them, has also seen a large increase in the number of mobile security courses on offer. These new training modules, have been developed by various training providers, to combat this accelerated increase in smartphone and tablet cybercrime seen over the last few years.

As more and more people have started to use their devices for contactless payments, E-Commerce and banking, personal details (of high value to hackers) are increasingly being stored on them, sometimes not too securely either! Thus mobiles are much more attractive today to cyber criminals, and more worthy of expending their efforts on than before.

Both mobile telecommunications service providers and mobile App developers will of course maintain that their offerings are nigh on 100% secure. However, we firmly believe that this is not the case. In our experience, nothing that is available online is 100% secure!


Training providers rush to offer Mobile Security Courses

Many training providers offer modules in mobile security as discussed, and often they take a generic approach to their courses. Others provide vendor specific training, covering particular mobile security solutions in their training modules.

The information security staff suitable for such secure mobile training courses includes a diverse range of workers including IT developer, penetration tester, cyber security analyst, systems administrator and a great deal more specialisms. These course are useful for most specialists that are working in a cyber security roles, as so much valuable data is now stored on smartphones and tablet devices.

Mobile security should be put at the forefront of any coder or software developer’s mind to ensure that their coding meets high standards, leaving no exploits into code available for criminal and rogue nation hackers to exploit. Many professional programmers these days will be only to well aware that they need to meet minimum international standards when creating mobile Apps, websites or imbedded code for use on mobile devices.

Mobile security courses can provide training from beginner or foundation level, through compliance and standard adherent coding techniques up to project manager and IT director level. Of course, training in new skills is best achieved when students can attend formal classes, away from the pressures of the place of work, for their courses. Security industry accredited training courses will also give individuals that pass the exams more career options in information security.


Introducing Mobile Security Courses

Mobile Security training is offered by many different organisations, with accreditation pertaining to many modules from various industry oversight committees and regulators. There are courses available from covering the basics and risk compliance through to coding practices and mobile telecommunications standards, including 3G, 4G, 5G Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and more. Lets take a more detailed look at some of the many options available for safer mobile device usage.

Individual Mobile Security focused Courses

1) Penetration Testing for Mobile Security

Some Penetration Testing courses incorporate mobile security elements into their course structure.  By partaking in a pen-testing course, those responsible for mobile security will see the cyber security of smartphone and tablet devices from the perspective of a hacker. When you know what makes a hackers mind tick, you are better able to combat their techniques, whether their tricks are simple phishing style scams or more sophisticated techniques. Remember, nothing is 100% secure

2) Specific Mobile Security training courses

There are many Certified Mobile Security Practitioner courses available. They range from basic levels up to advanced coding and analytics focused modules.  Many cover elements such as Mobile Security Architecture, Data Assurance, DevSecOps, Data and IT Governance and Secure Mobile App Development. Some courses may focus on Google’s Android and others on Apples IOS platform. Organisations such as The Security Academy and offer courses in protecting Android Nougat, Apple Watch and Android Wear as the forecast wearable technology market expands into new horizons.

3) Specific courses protecting the Internet of Things (IoT)

As the IoT takes off, a great many more distributed and sometimes mobile Internet connected devices will need to be protected from hackers. This is especially important in order for nations to protect themselves from rogue nation states from them penetrating their infrastructure. Many courses in mobile IoT Security are now becoming available so watch this space for further developments as this sector becomes more mainstream!

4) The rise of AI – Cyber Security courses needed?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is becoming more integrated into various Apps such as SIRI on Apple IOS and in Google Search too. It is also being seen in home IoT devices such as Amazons Echo and Google Home. The implications of these emerging technologies on information security are only now starting to become apparent, so training providers are just starting to address the need for AI security courses in this space.
